A few years ago, my oldest gave me a set of Peter Rabbit notecards for Christmas. Parker was a baby, and she was remembering all those times I had read our much-loved Beatrix Potter set with her and her siblings.
Some time after our son’s family went home two weekends ago, Michelle found a digger truck behind her couch. I think it was smaller than this one at Amazon but it was very similar. It was easier for me to get to the post office than her, so I brought it home and I found just the box for it.
It needed a card and I went looking. Amaryllis? There’s about to be enough pink around his house around the time of his birthday, no, birds? Nah, that’s my thing, I needed something that spoke to a little boy.
And you know what I found next. I had a few left.
Flipping through, I found *the* card. Picking apples? How perfect is that?
Dear Parker, I wrote, and explained that the digger had had a nice visit but it wanted to come home now. The mailman was letting it have a ride home. I told him I loved him, signed it, put it in the envelope and the envelope in the box and taped it up and mailed it off and drove away in happy anticipation of the look on his face. I tell you. It felt like Christmas.
And Sam had gotten it so amazingly right.
Edited to add, I said to my husband, Wasn’t that just perfect? He grinned and said, Perfect would be a digger pulling a submarine with a picture of Parker being the captain waving the (he added more to his verbal picture…) But yes. It was perfect.
2 Comments so far
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While I agree that it’s perfect, I so wish I knew Photoshop. The picture Richard described sounds as though it would be so fun!
Comment by RobinM 09.11.14 @ 2:49 pmOh, and what lovely memories you stirred up for me too. We even had a dog named Mopsy.
Comment by Channon 09.17.14 @ 7:53 pmLeave a comment
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