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This site started as a way to share some patterns I’d come up with, and to tell a little about why and for whom. The whole thing eventually blossomed into, first, a funny story about a particular Mother’s Day at our house that was published in Knitlit the Third in ’05, and then a growing project of patterns and their stories that became the manuscript that Martingale Press now has scheduled for publication the summer of ’07. In the meantime, here are the original entries, and I’ve begun a blog here.
One of the great joys of my life is knitting a project and then discovering who it was meant to be for all along. Sometimes I know in advance, and love for that person is knitted into every stitch as I go; when I have no idea, but the thing just feels right as I choose, or create, a yarn and the perfect pattern to go with it, I wish the unknown recipient well, whoever they may turn out to be.
And the times I find out after the fact that that particular project couldn’t possibly have been for anyone else other than the person it went to… I’m not sure you’d have to be a knitter to relate to the joy that comes with that. If you’re not a knitter yet, I invite you to give the needles a try sometime. Like anything worth doing, one’s work gets better with practice and time. I hope my stories help share why one would want to.
And there are times when something happens that just compels that the story be written down, and then to be expressed in yarn.
Knitting is time and love made tangible. Cast on.