Gee, we’re getting snow, too, only it just seems suspended up in the air for the moment… (The flowering pear has grown a lot since this post.)
All was quiet for a long time this evening. He had to be out there somewhere, though I hoped the deserted feeder didn’t mean the ravens were back again. The single raven earlier in the week had become a pair trying to settle in at a prime spot on Friday and I had taken a squirt gun to them: the spray reached nowhere near at all (the supersoakers of the 90’s don’t exist anymore) and they kind of gave me an Are you kidding me? look but lazily flapped away to the next yard.
A chance glance near dusk caught the moment as a burst of big gray wing exploded out of a tree, gone faster than you could catch your breath.
My Cooper’s hawk still rules this roost. Yes!!
4 Comments so far
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in absence of a supersoaker, might I recommend a garden hose with a pressure nozzle?
glad the hawk still rules!!
Comment by bev 03.17.13 @ 9:31 amI know how you feel – every evening when I hear the great horned owl who has taken up residence in the neighborhood I feel the same way.
Comment by twinsetellen 03.17.13 @ 1:40 pmLeave a comment
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