When we came home from Texas last weekend the phone line was dead again, only, this time the problem was inside somewhere.
It was getting old.
Richard stayed home this morning until he tracked it down to a problem in the jack in the kitchen; unplug the wall phone, boom, there you go, just in time. (Sing it, Paul!)
My little sister, 19 months younger than me and who was always almost catching up to me growing up, being just a year behind me at school and getting the same teachers, who (since she was the fifth kid) would say to her like they’d said to me, Oh, *another* Jeppson, called: “How does it feel to be an old fart?”
“Actually, I can’t fart anymore.” I grinned.
That stopped her a second. “I never thought of that!”
8 Comments so far
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Oh, Allison (Brithday Twin)! Happy Birthday! I thought of you yesterday when we had my little cake. Hoipe it was a wonderful day! debra
Comment by Debra Lea 12.14.12 @ 7:32 amOh, Allison (Birthday Twin)! Happy Birthday! I thought of you yesterday when we had my little cake. Hoipe it was a wonderful day! debra
Comment by Debra Lea 12.14.12 @ 7:33 amYay for Richard’s phone sleuthing. Hehehe! Only sibs can have such fun! Love the Paul reminder. I got to see a Beatlemania group on my 16th birthday and they opened with that song. Magical! And keep on celebrating. Here’s to a great year!
Comment by DebbieR 12.14.12 @ 9:38 amAlways helps to have a technician around the house.
When do we get more Parker pics?
3-2-1 cake mix today
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 12.14.12 @ 10:10 amHa! I’m glad you can laugh about it. May you have a wonderful year!
Comment by Channon 12.15.12 @ 8:32 amLeave a comment
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