Filed under: Crohn's flare
Alison is off lose her colon, the hopefully the sickness to. Not being as talented as her I can make it cleverly fit the tune.
37 Comments so far
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Praying, praying, praying, for Alison and Richard.
Richard, take care of yourself, too. 🙂
Comment by Nancy 01.30.09 @ 2:30 pmLet us know if you need us Richard…
Comment by Betsy 01.30.09 @ 2:39 pmPraying for all of you. Please let us know as soon as you have news. Big hugs!
Comment by Lynda Sorenson 01.30.09 @ 2:52 pmhave been sending out prayers and good thoughts for a few hours already 😉
Thanks Richard
Comment by rho 01.30.09 @ 2:55 pmToday I wore the purple angora scarf of our first meeting, in honor of your big day. I hope all goes as well as possible. I smile to think of the chorus going up in your behalf today.
Comment by Lara 01.30.09 @ 2:58 pmPraying for all of you who are the closest to her as much as I pray for her. You need strength as well…
Comment by Suzanne 01.30.09 @ 3:00 pmPrayers for Alison being said in NJ. My old high best friend had the same surgery a long time ago and is as active and lively as can be. Hopefully, you’ll be that way soon too!!
Comment by Greta 01.30.09 @ 3:01 pmRich, just want you to know that in addition to keeping Alison in our thoughts, you are there as well. This must be so hard for you. Thanks for keeping us up to date.
Comment by Elizabeth 01.30.09 @ 3:07 pmPrayers for Alison’s wellbeing. And prayers of gratitude for Richard’s kindnesses.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 01.30.09 @ 3:12 pmA little late on the news, but sending up prayers for the whole family and that all goes well and recovery will be speedy and full. Will check back for further news later.
Comment by Shelly H 01.30.09 @ 3:15 pmPraying for good news in a while.
Comment by Karen 01.30.09 @ 3:26 pm*hugs* Thank you, Richard. Hope things are going/went well. Much <3.
Comment by Amy 01.30.09 @ 3:54 pmContinuing to think of you all, and hold you up before God.
Thanks again, Richard, for keeping us posted, and I echo the others who say, please make sure you take good care of yourself, too.
Hang in there! I do believe there is much good coming ’round the bend.
Comment by Paula 01.30.09 @ 4:14 pmPlease let us know how she is doing as soon as you can. I’m holding good wishes for a speedy recovery!! **HUGS**
Comment by Elizabeth 01.30.09 @ 4:31 pmAlison, Richard, Mom & Dad to Alison, you have been in my thoughts and prayers all day. Thank you, Richard for keeping us posted.
Comment by Joansie 01.30.09 @ 4:42 pmPraying for all of you…
Comment by Pegi 01.30.09 @ 4:44 pmThinking of you, looking forward to an update when it’s available.
Comment by Michelle 01.30.09 @ 4:46 pmBlessings. You’ve been in my thoughts today.
Comment by Mady 01.30.09 @ 5:27 pmI have been thinking about both of you all day. I hope and pray that everything went well today. Sending lots of love.
Comment by sonya 01.30.09 @ 5:28 pmMy prayers for all of you, and that all goes well. Here’s a bit of humor for when she comes out of the anesthetic:
Tech support: What’s on your monitor now, ma’am?
Customer: A teddy bear my boyfriend bought for me.
Hey Alison,
Hope you wake up feeling good! I knew someone who had the surgery when he was 10 and he said it changed his life. No more pain. I wish the same for you!
Comment by Robin 01.30.09 @ 5:47 pmBless you Allison for a safe,speedy and uncomplicated recovery. Don’t be afraid to speak up, ask questions, and people identify themselves and their purpose. And and make sure anyone who approaches you has washed their hands, that the medical staff wears gloves when peaking at your dressing/incision site. And make sure
Comment by jackie 01.30.09 @ 5:50 pmYes! It feels like a new beginning…hurray!
Oh, thank the Lord, thank the Lord! 🙂
Good luck, Alison!
Comment by Joyce 01.30.09 @ 6:12 pmHere’s another joke for Alison when she feels up to it and needs a laugh. President Obama promised his girls a dog, but it needs to be one of the breeds that are less likely to cause allergy problems. They’ve narrowed the choice down to a Portuguese Water Dog or a Labradoodle. A labradoodle, is, of course, a cross between a labrador retriever and a poodle. This particular cross is usually very healthy and good natured. A local breeder was considering crossing the Portuguese Water Dog with a poodle to see if it would produce dogs with the same hybrid vigor. But he gave up the idea when he realized that no one would ever want to admit that their dog was a Portapoo.
Comment by LauraN 01.30.09 @ 6:33 pmAlison, I’m praying that your surgery is extremely successful, and that your recovery is swift and easy.
Comment by Rhonda from Baddeck 01.30.09 @ 7:22 pm(To the tune of Off to See the Wizard)
She’s off to loose her colon!
That moth-eaten tissue of pain.
And then she will be healthy and well again!
And knitting and blogging and eating again!
She’s off to loose her colon!
And never have Crohn’s pain again!
Richard, Mom & Dad, the Surgeons and of course Alison. All have been in my prayers today. Please ALL be well for Alison’s sake!
Love & Hugs & Prayers,
Praying for you!!!
Comment by Mona 01.30.09 @ 7:40 pmKeeping you all in my prayers!
Comment by karen w 01.30.09 @ 8:55 pmEven the Lurkers are praying for your comfort in God’s care through those given to provide your medical and recovery needs.
Comment by Tammy Morrow 01.30.09 @ 9:10 pmAlison – I’m sending you strong, healthy, vibes from rockville/kensington, maryland.
hugs and soft yarn,
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