One fish two fish red fish new fish
Sunday January 05th 2025, 9:49 pm
Filed under: Knit,Life

Two rows a day, I promised myself. About 45 minutes each. That’s all you have to do. And I have. A right-side row then a wrong-side row so that you’re ready to see it clearly on the right side again the next day and to plan any new colors or motifs from there.

It surprises me how much shows up below my needles when I just keep doing my one small part for the day. I have finished two fish.

I also know that the further along it gets, the more I see how it’s coming out, the more I’ll be able to see how I want the rest of it to come out and the more I’ll be working on it. So it’s okay to be slow in the initial discovery process.

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I read the first line and was very impressed! Two 45-minute rows a day—-that’s quite an ambitious schedule! I’d be satisfied if I put in 1 45-minute row/day, since it has to be indoors at this time of year. Then I realized my presumption: you were talking KNITTING ; I was hearing ROWING. Gabe myself a good chuckle and went back to my knitting. Since it won’t be rowing season till March at the very earliest. ?????

Comment by Mary Anne Sedney 01.06.25 @ 2:11 pm

Sounds incremental at two rows a day, but that’s a lot of stitches and (probably) a many yarn changes. Have fun!

Comment by DebbieR 01.06.25 @ 8:13 pm

Two rows is an excellent goal for now! It adds up, and soon you’ll start to not want to put it down.

Comment by ccr in MA 01.08.25 @ 11:39 am

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