We talked ourselves into it. Because who doesn’t want to go into the downtown (parking is fun!) Verizon store during an intense promotion on the Friday before Christmas? I mean, it’s like car shopping! Everybody’s! Favorite! Thing! To! Do!
It took a couple of hours, actually, and then a spur-of-the-moment declaration of really wanting to see how the thing felt in my hands before ordering it, and he wanted to, too; his phone was also getting old (even if not ten years old like mine).
It was actually quite quiet in the store. We were surprised. Probably helped by the fact that the company claimed that the offer was only available online–but note the big sign out front touting the same offer to get people to come in.
Nothing got bought. But we found ourselves sold on a particular one each, and for me, it was not the one I would have expected: a certain somebody egged me on to make sure I got the one I *really* wanted, with all the bells and whistles, given that I hang onto mine so long; I figured, geeks gotta geek. Ask me if I mind.
So that was step one. Maybe they won’t be out of stock. Maybe I’ll be able to actually take good nighttime photos soon. Maybe I won’t get stuck with that lime green that is so not my thing in order to get that price. ($5.55/month/36 months comes to an extra $198 total for a thousand dollar phone.) Maybe, just maybe, they make covers for iPhones, y’know? (Otterbox, Lumens series, green, yes, yes, that’ll do nicely.)
2 Comments so far
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Definitely get an otterbox – all my family has them, we recommend them as a great phone saver. I have an older (maybe 6 years?) iPhone 7. It’s not a big phone, but the otterbox I got is a fold over case, sort of like a book cover. Sure saves the glass face from scratches and bumps in a pocket or purse. Can be hard to get that style, but you can check for what they have before you get the phone.
Comment by Chris S in Canada 12.21.24 @ 7:46 amThanks for the nudge. Mine is only 6 years old, and has problems. I just haven’t wanted to find the time to learn it all over again. I’ll do it this week. And tomorrow’s daylight is one second longer. Happy solstice!
Comment by DebbieR 12.21.24 @ 11:00 amLeave a comment
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