Merry Christmas!
Wednesday December 25th 2024, 10:21 pm
Filed under: Family

Family time via phone and computer. Chocolate Bouche de Noel for breakfast. Celebrations. Love. And I finally got a Cuisinart 14C replacement for the food processor that died and can make hazelnut tortes again. Yay!

We got to talking phones with our older son. I told him I’d figured out that the retail price of the iPhone 16 Pro Max is $20 more than the quite-a-bit smaller, lighter 16 Pro, but if you pick the Max, Verizon charges you $200 more over the course of those three years, so, no, I’m back to wanting the Pro.

Your Mom’s hands fit the smaller phone anyway, his daddy chimed in.

Which cracked the kid up. If you’ve ever played Rachmaninoff on the piano, an octave is my limit and forget the rest but an octave and throw in a bunch more notes will do him just fine. He in fact has the 16 Pro Max via a previous such promotion–and overheard someone saying to someone else that that really big phone on my 6’9+” son looks like a normal sized phone on anyone else. Like it had been scaled up just for him. And it’s true, he said, it’s the perfect size for me!

But you’re a teeny little thing, he teased.

Am nawww—oh right. I guess to him a 5’5″ woman would be.

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Huge phones don’t fit in pockets.

A 16, my older (and taller) brother teased me and told me I was too short to drive. He has since apologized 🙂

Comment by Anne 12.25.24 @ 11:32 pm

I think you will really enjoy the new cameras!
Snap to 2x zoom is so cool. I use it more than the wide angle.
My phone is not a 16, but the cameras were such an improvement over my previous model.

Have a terrific holiday!

Comment by Lisa R-R 12.26.24 @ 11:02 am

It’s all relative, isn’t it? Merry new phones!

Comment by ccr in MA 12.26.24 @ 2:21 pm

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