Hulk! Smash!
Saturday December 14th 2024, 10:41 pm
Filed under: Family,Friends,Life

1.82″ of rain, way more than expected, while a tornado flipped cars up in the mountains. San Francisco had its first-ever tornado warning but Scotts Valley took the hit. (No one was killed.)

It left me musing over the words of a friend some years ago who’d grown up here and had moved over by the coast. He’d never understood why people from the East Coast said they missed ‘real weather.’ What’s so great about shoveling snow in the cold or hurricanes or storms that take out the power or all of that.

But he told me he got it now: it meant being closer to nature. We all have an innate need to connect to the natural world and weather brings it right up close and personal and humbles us.

I think (and I’m sure the guy would agree) that we can do just fine without the sky throwing a temper tantrum with heavy vehicles, but I quibble.

Meanwhile, down here, most of the rain happened at night and my hero made a grocery run this evening with nothing barring his way nor slowing him down, just a normal, calm, boring northern Californian day.

With the first sprouts of winter’s new green everywhere.

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I remember a tornado touching down in Sunnyvale sometime in the early 1990’s. It was crazy, as it hit at an intersection and only damaged trees by a couple of homes. It took people a while to agree that it actually was a tornado. I think it was classified as 0.5.

We drove through the intersection, later in the day, and could barely tell something had happened there.

Comment by Anne 12.14.24 @ 11:51 pm

Correction: May 1998 and an F1.
“The tornado was spotted shortly after 4:30 p.m. in Sunnyvale. Though it touched down for just a minute or two, the 1100 blocks of Bernardo and Plymouth were transformed into a junkyard of broken tree limbs, shattered glass and upturned picnic tables.
Flying debris and tree limbs shattered several stained-glass windows in the Congregational Community Church near the center of the twister. The church also suffered some roof damage.”

Comment by Anne 12.14.24 @ 11:57 pm

Yikes! Hope those injured are Ok. We had gusty winds for hours here. No damage, and actually blew the leaves into nice piles. I’ll take that help from mother nature.

Comment by DebbieR 12.15.24 @ 9:32 am

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