Good folks
Saturday December 07th 2024, 11:07 pm
Filed under: Friends,Life

Our church building is in the middle of its annual five-day creche exhibit, with the whole place turned into a temporary museum, every piece on loan. The people who run it are gifted designers and creatives and the place is always gorgeous. There are concerts every night, a hands-on children’s area, and everything is a gift to the community. They wouldn’t accept payment if you tried. If you’re at all local, I highly recommend a visit.

Which means that for actual church services we double up with another ward in another building.

A friend offered to carpool. I said I’d love to but we’re sick. She said just so you know there’s no Zoom option there.

And then there was a ward email from another friend, proud of his identical twin who was going to be a speaker Sunday, not to miss it!

Oh, I wouldn’t for anything… But there’s no way I’m knowingly exposing anybody else to this.

I told him my dilemma yesterday. He got back to me today. Someone in the background, he didn’t say how much of it was him or his brother or who, managed to work things out so that yes, he then announced to the whole ward, there will indeed be Zoom available for those who are ill or otherwise in need of it.

I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful a Christmas gift it felt to be looked out for and included. Someone chose to go out of their way to do the inconvenient thing and set things up differently for that day so that we wouldn’t have to miss it.

4 Comments so far
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That’s so sweet. You are clearly a beloved member of your community.

Comment by Anne 12.08.24 @ 12:10 am

Wonderful! I’m guessing there were many who welcomed that option.

Comment by DebbieR 12.08.24 @ 11:53 am

Good for him.

Comment by Sharon Stanger 12.08.24 @ 5:54 pm

Ah, wonderful! They should, and I’m so glad they did.

Comment by ccr in MA 12.10.24 @ 11:13 am

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