Last week he was a total hero and took the bins to the curb for morning pickup.
Today I was the one who was feeling stronger so I did.
Looking up and down the street, I wondered, Wait. Where are all the others?
I came back inside and stared in disbelief at my phone claiming it was Monday. It was not! It was TuesMondays, two, not one that we just got through!
Oh. Right. I guess I wanted to be one day further along on this than we quite are yet. Oh, well, that’s one thing we don’t have to do tomorrow night. (Sorry, neighbors.)
3 Comments so far
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Since hubby retired, we never quite know what day it is. If there is a mid-week church service, it’s even worse. “Wait … we just had church, right … so this must be Monday. Oh, wait … it’s Friday.” Or “Why does it feel like Saturday?”
I’m not sure it will get better.
Comment by Anne 12.10.24 @ 12:39 amWell, better than forgetting with full toters. And got you out for some fresh air. Hope today is even better for both of you.
Comment by DebbieR 12.10.24 @ 8:56 amHard enough to remember the days when you’re not sick! I hope you both feel better soon.
Comment by ccr in MA 12.10.24 @ 11:15 amLeave a comment
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