The talk was amazing. Being able to hear it and read the captions when I knew they normally don’t have that set up there was a vivid example of exactly the things he was saying.
That the things that matter in this life are our relationships. The choices we make. And how we treat others.
And he talked about plants. How watering them allows the roots to access the minerals in the soil and support all that shows above ground; the water offers more than just water, it makes everything the plant needs down there accessible.
While I remembered neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks’ observation that if you kneel in the dirt with a dementia patient, no matter how far gone their brain is, and hand them a little seedling, they will always, always plant it roots-side down. Never roots up leaves down. It is built into our very beings to know how plants grow.
It is built into our very souls to want to love and be loved.
1 Comment so far
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That does sound like a wonderful reminder. Thank you.
Comment by DebbieR 12.09.24 @ 9:15 amLeave a comment
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