Thursday December 19th 2024, 9:50 pm
Filed under: Life

One of the little curiosities from checking the local Wunderground weather site is its description of how many hours of daylight there are in each particular day.

Earlier this week it said there would be twelve fewer seconds of it on the morrow.

Then eight.

Now five.

It’s like the sun is slowing down getting ready for the big party on Saturday: Solstice!

I need to remember to check then to see if the earth holds its breath lightly or will it already be inhaling for the songs of spring that want to be sung.

I saw two ravens flirting at the top of the tallest pine yesterday, clearly marking their spot towards any passing Cooper’s hawk.

Like people who spread their blankets out on the early July grass to stake out the best place to watch the fireworks when hey, guys, it’s only 2 pm.

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We have geese flying overhead, along with the occasional fighter jet.

I was concerned that we would lose our birds when we took out the mature, but dying, arborvitae and replaced them with shorter ones (not as many places to hide). So far, it seems they are enjoying the new greenery.

Th winter solstice was my father least favorite, and most favorite day. Least – because it was the shortest day. Most – because the days got longer from then on. He loved to garden!

Comment by Anne 12.20.24 @ 12:30 am

I’d forgotten to scroll down to see the astronomy info there. Thanks! Tomorrow’s day will be 1 second shorter.

Comment by DebbieR 12.20.24 @ 10:45 am

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