Brief interlude
Sunday December 01st 2024, 8:21 pm
Filed under: Life

We had a great trip. More later. It wasn’t till the drive back to their airport that we suddenly started to feel the germ they’d been getting over when we came (knowing full well and deciding to come anyway.)

We wore masks while traveling. Would have anyway.

Mix that with waking up with my back giving way on me this morning if I tried to stand up, it was a bit of a day and not what I want to be writing about. Lots of back stretches on the floor. Managed to sit up for the first time for half of my Zoom knitting meeting. Finally got some soft food down at 6 pm and that seems to have helped everything.

But we were fine while we were there and got to love on everybody and that’s what I care about.

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I went to a Thanksgiving potluck at church. There were a number of people who were getting over something. One kid clearly hadn’t. I was looking at the desserts when he came up and coughed over them. I turned to hubby and suggested we just go home and have cookies. (He agreed.)

Comment by Anne 12.02.24 @ 12:57 am

Glad you are home safe and wishing you both feel better very soon.

Comment by DebbieR 12.02.24 @ 10:01 am

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