Wow, Philadelphia Inquirer. Well done.
This was such an antidote after being stunned at the weaselly dishonest complicity of William Lewis’s piece insulting the Washington Post’s readers re why the Post will not make an endorsement between two Presidential candidates that Lewis claims are equally worthy. The Philadelphia Inquirer showed just exactly how one stands up for democracy and the rule of law against the rapist commando-in-thief.
The Post’s Board wrote an endorsement of Harris–but Lewis refused to allow them to publish it.
Rupert Murdoch’s old henchman–remember the case of the dead girl being searched for whose phone was hacked and messages sent from it to her frantic parents as if she were still alive, in order to sell tabloids in Britain? Yeah that guy–has absolutely no business running the newspaper of Katherine Graham and Woodward and Bernstein, of Deep Throat, of the Pentagon Papers.
I read the Washington Post daily growing up and the moment years ago that reading it online became a possibility, I subscribed.
I now expect to read, but it won’t likely be reported there, just how large a percentage of their readers canceled today like I did in protest. There seem to be an awful lot of us.
Tonight, thirteen of their columnists put their careers on the line to speak against the decision at the once-great paper they have loved. (Update a few minutes later: now sixteen.)
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I had heard that the order to scrap came from Bezos himself. The same thing happened at the LA Times. Similarity? Both owned by billionaires. Coincidence? Hmmmmm
Comment by Anne 10.25.24 @ 11:31 pmWe will see if it makes a difference. I would not trust Bezos.
Comment by Sharon Stanger 10.26.24 @ 5:36 pmI was not previously familiar with Willamette Week, but I read about their presidential endorsement and said bravo:
Kamala Harris
On the whole, we’d rather this not be America’s last election.
Comment by ccr in MA 10.28.24 @ 7:32 amLeave a comment
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