And it was true
Thursday September 05th 2024, 8:38 pm
Filed under: Friends,Life

So much laughing. Such a good time.

It was the daughter of my high school best friend and the daughter’s husband, doing a long driving trip of a lifetime to see sights never seen before, with our house as a crash landing spot mid-California.

Amy and I each took a turn at generational double taking: she said they were going next to see her aunt, her father’s sister.

I started to say, I didn’t know he had a sister–and stopped and realized I meant her mother’s father, and of course she meant her dad and he did and silly me.

Just before they left this morning, I told her she reminded me of her grandmother: she was a sweetheart.

There was this flicker of confusion and she was trying to figure out what I meant. The only grandmother she ever knew was a step; her grandfather had been widowed around the time she’d been born and had remarried to someone who’d never had children, to whom Amy had been her only grandchild.

Your mom’s mom, I said gently. The one you never knew. I did.

She took a deep breath inhaling the essence of that thought and held me in a long, long hug.

I know what it’s like to grow up missing a grandfather lost to an early death. I know that wondering and I feel that strong wistfulness.

At long last, at least for her, I knew I could do something about it. The connection is real.

I sent them off with Andy’s peaches to share with her aunt and they will be back here Sunday before turning in the rental and flying home across the country. I cannot wait to see them again.

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I knew 3/4 of my grandparents. My oldest knew her grandparents when she was young but we lost both of George’s parents in the 90s so the younger three have grown up without grandparents. There are +/-. It sounds like Amy’s grandmother was good people which is really important in passing along memories.

Comment by Holly 09.05.24 @ 11:37 pm

Oh, I know how she felt! Years ago, I was at a family service, seeing people I hadn’t seen since I was a kid, and someone said, “Oh, she has Lillie’s smile!” My dad’s mother died before my parents met, so of course I never knew her, but hearing that was wonderful.

Comment by ccr in MA 09.06.24 @ 1:11 pm

How wonderful for both of you! One comment can open so much. A cousin I didn’t know came to my grandfather’s funeral and mentioned spending a few summers with my grandparents. We invited him to visit later and he shared so many stories about my dad that we’d never known.

Comment by DebbieR 09.08.24 @ 9:18 am

We left Amy with Warner’s parents to go bury my Mom and got back just in time for her 2nd birthday. Way to young to remember my mom. She was in a hospital bed in the living room before that. Have a picture of her, my MIL, my Mom, me (holding her at 3 months old) and both of Warner’s grandmothers. Amy got to know and remember one of the GGMs, my MIL and me (of course). Happy for you swapping stories with her and thank you for giving them a spot to stay on their *7th* anniversary trip!

Comment by Karen Lewis 09.09.24 @ 7:37 pm

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