Filed under: Life
Got in to the ENT rather early this morning to get my ear canals unclogged. Badly needed.
I was a bit early, he was actually surprisingly late, but I figured I had about four hours left on that skein. No rush. I do need more cowls in my FO pile, hats don’t do it for everyone.
Lovely man, got it done so carefully. I turned to thank him for my extra hearing.
And found myself looking him in the eyes and asking gently, Are you okay?
His whole body exhaled as he said, I just put my son on a plane to New York.
I debated asking which university but simply said, Monday I put my Boston daughter on a plane, too.
Parent to parent in that moment, we knew.
He walked out of that exam room with a warm smile on his tired face.
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Sometimes it’s just the shared feelings that help.
Comment by DebbieR 08.15.24 @ 7:54 amMaybe you can come up with a hat the doctor can send over for the New York winter?
Double brim is good against the winds.
So glad you have such good specialists!
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