I had peaches and plans. I was going to Kings Mountain Art Fair, the one time all year I get to see my old friends. Mel had messaged me that Kris hadn’t been well enough to make the trip but their son had and they were hoping and looking forward to seeing me.
I was almost to the freeway when I saw it and pulled off the road and called Richard.
Who said the obvious: do not drive the car with the check engine light on except to come home till we can get it looked at. Yeah they just looked at it last week. Still.
(Did the mice come back to the engine compartment and do more damage. Sounds like a definite maybe.)
I thought, I’ll stop by Trader Joe’s…no don’t. Tomorrow we’ll… no you won’t. Monday we can… No you can’t. All afternoon I kept reminding myself that things were abruptly different and we weren’t going anywhere. Not unless we can rent a car on a holiday. We might try.
I moped a little while and then thought, if I can’t go then I’m at least going to get the house a little more ready for guests so I can feel good about that.
We both did. It felt good. And yeah, there’s yet another blanket from the soakstorm being washed as I type.
3 Comments so far
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Rats! Or mice!?! Mr. Mechanic suggests you check the gas cap, particularly if you just got gas recently. Make sure it’s fully twisted closed, at least 3 clicks. That’s super common on all cars, if the fuel evaporative system thinks there’s a vapor leak it’ll throw the code. Fingers crossed!
Comment by DebbieR 08.31.24 @ 10:14 pmSorry you didn’t make it to see Mel and co. They do shows in OR, but they are usually 2+ hours away from us. Most shows take place central, south, east … we are about 40 minutes from Vancouver, Washington.
Comment by Anne 09.01.24 @ 12:12 amOh, bummer! And of course it’s a holiday weekend. My sympathies.
Comment by ccr in MA 09.01.24 @ 9:33 amLeave a comment
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