So this time Richard did the Saturday Trader Joe’s run.
He wanted to reach over for something and found himself saying, Excuse me, ma’am.
She looked up at him. And asked, Are you a ___ high school parent?
I am!
She said, Are you a ___ elementary school parent?
I am! Or was.
And… Is your wife that sweet little thing?
He laughed telling me this part and said he’d answered, She is!
And does she still knit?
She does!
He came home and told me he’d given her this address and I said, I’d better write something good tonight then if Penny’s going to be reading it! I’m so sorry I missed her!
Back when the Barbara Walker books of my childhood were republished in the late ’90’s (I used to pore through Mom’s copy of the first one in high school), I taught myself lace knitting from them, and when I started, I was only using lace weight and tiny needles. I made wedding ring shawls, ie ones so fine you could pull them through a ring. I was quite proud of them.
I also made a few people a smaller scarf or stole on those size threes. But I had to really love and admire you. I was new at giving away my knitting, much less making anything like that.
Penny was not my kids’ teacher, but she was one of the teachers at that elementary school when my kids were there and she got one of those. Only a handful of people ever did.
Hi Penny!!
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It’s hard to picture you being reluctant to give your knitting away now!
Comment by ccr in MA 08.27.24 @ 12:53 pmLeave a comment
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