They are! They’re actually eating the leaves. Goldfinches love sunflower leaves specifically and this site recommends planting them near your veggies as a decoy because you might as well make use of this, right?
They said it mostly happens in California. I have questions.
My phone could see the details my eyes no longer can, and upon embiggening that’s exactly what those two birds were.
But I like my sunflowers… So I took a bit of bright pinkish-red thick yarn and tied it around the upper stalk of the one they were going after the hardest.
It didn’t take long before I saw another one swooping in–and then whoawhoawhoa!!! it about did a backflip in the air trying not to continue in that direction. Close!
It went to ground. It started eating the weed seeds. The little tiny stabby ones that attack your socks and wedge themselves into the yarn and you can hardly see them but man can you feel them. Hey you guys! Eat those!
Next thing you know we had a small flock doing exactly that.
Postscript: Most cities around here canceled their fireworks, given the intense heatwave and the wildfires already going, but it turns out the ones closest to us were still on. They apparently were moved so as to be completely over the water, which means we could stand in our front yard and see almost everything. Well into it, the kids and mom across the street finally opened the door to ask questions; we called to them to come on over, our place was on enough of a rise that they would see a lot more from here.
They had lived all over the world and then here the past few years and the kids had questions about the Fourth of July. I couldn’t hear much over the booms but Richard gave them a bit of Fort McHenry history.
There was one again! Did you see the sunflower?! Oh that’s so cool!
And then yet another sunflower. YES.
And good memories were made for all.
3 Comments so far
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We’re in a hilly area and can see the local fireworks from our front garden. Our neighbor joined us and we watch from his yard. Safe & sane fireworks are legal here, although we get mini shows of the real one from our neighbors. When they go off over your house, they are _really_ loud!!
Comment by Anne 07.04.24 @ 10:37 pmI like “history on the hoof” Richard. Good job
Comment by Afton 07.05.24 @ 5:36 amHow great if they would eat the pesty things for you! And what a fun neighborhood moment with the fireworks show.
Comment by ccr in MA 07.07.24 @ 7:46 amLeave a comment
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