The baby blanket
Saturday June 08th 2024, 9:32 pm
Filed under: Knit

Lisa asked for more pictures. The house–note the window box with the extra line of purl stitches.

I originally had purl stitches across the very top of the house to continue the point at the top but didn’t like the effect and ended up dropping down eight rows to change those few.

Daisy stitch for the low hedges by the sides of the house, then the taller sunflowers (or you could call one of them a Narnia lamp.)

The whole thing was a doodle. Very soft and machine washable for the first-time mom, who will have a blanket for her baby that will be a one of a kind.

And then, while still feeling like moping that I didn’t have anything like that to work on, I surprised myself by finishing a cowl carry-around project. Hey. I do, I like that, too!

I immediately cast on a hat. Can’t let the momentum let up.


2 Comments so far
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Thanks a lot! I really like the design.
Yes soft and washable are key criteria for baby blankets.

Comment by Lisa R-R 06.09.24 @ 5:54 am


Comment by ccr in MA 06.10.24 @ 7:36 am

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