Intense mandarin muffins
Monday June 10th 2024, 9:27 pm
Filed under: Food,Recipes

Citrus has seasons, just like everything else, and right now the stores around here have small seedless mandarins. Trader Joe’s for one. Seedless is the only way to go for this, preferably organic.

Take a bag of those. I bought two pounds the first time, five the second because I wanted to be able to do this again any time I might want to in the year. Put them in a pot with enough water to cover them if they would stay under, which they won’t. Boil for twenty minutes. Drain. Puree. Pour into ice cube trays, silicone molds, whatever floats your boat but I find the silicone ones very easy to pop them out of after they’re frozen.

And there you have a strong orange flavor bomb to throw in anything. The freezing helps kill off any residual bitterness, just in case.


2 c almond flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

about a half cup sugar, about a spoonful less for me and more sugar than I usually use for muffins

Mix in

three eggs

1/3 c butter, melted, 1/4 works okay too

1/2 tsp almond extract (optional)

1/2 to 2/3 cup thawed orange bombs (takes about a minute in the microwave), get it up to just about but not more than the 3/4 c mark with a little plain Greek yogurt or make it all orange, up to you, but so far this is how I’ve done it.


Twelve muffin cups, 350F, 23-24 minutes or till a toothpick comes out clean.

SO good.

6 Comments so far
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I do that sort of thing with Vidalia onions. Slice, sauté to soften, freeze (I use Ball freezer containers). I thaw, finish the sauté, and use them in French onion soup or with pierogis.

Will have to try your mandarin hack. (Do you peel them? Or just mash up the whole thing?)

Comment by Anne 06.11.24 @ 12:44 am

Mash up the whole thing in the blender.

Comment by AlisonH 06.11.24 @ 7:37 am

So you cook them, and then remove from the water, then blend, correct?

Comment by Mary 06.11.24 @ 1:59 pm


Comment by AlisonH 06.11.24 @ 8:53 pm

Yum, thank you!

Comment by DebbieR 06.12.24 @ 8:31 am

Wow. I’m imagining the smell of the kitchen while cooking the oranges.
I wish Toronto was closer to these fruits. Oranges all have to travel.

Comment by Lisa R-R 06.13.24 @ 7:15 pm

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