Don’t make a hobbit of it
Wednesday June 05th 2024, 10:04 pm
Filed under: Life

Picture #11 really sells the place. That train wreck was a long time coming. Although I bet the heating and cooling bills were low after that glacier of grass swept halfway over the house. Wow.

We could have a little fun making up AirBnB-type ads for the place. The che-Shire cat: come see the disappearing home! It’s got the Ring halfway on!

Meantime, yesterday I was trying to make an appointment about that rib but the Medicare bounced. I spent two hours on the phone, with Medicare insisting it wasn’t a problem at their end.

Without that cleared the clinic would not book me an appointment, because not only would I not be reimbursed, if I ever–once–paid out of pocket I would be kicked off Medicare for life.


Which is why I’m mentioning any of this at all, because who wants to learn that one the hard way.

At long long last the doctor’s office realized that why yes in fact we did spell your name wrong and that’s the problem. But by that point all the appointments were gone and I had to settle for waiting till today and someone I’d never met.

Which is how I met a great guy I’d be happy to be sent to anytime.

The x-ray came back: no breaks. Yay!

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“House is distressed” is such an understatement!

Comment by ccr in MA 06.06.24 @ 8:07 am

… a zillow post with a bunch of “this is a great location” photos but exactly zero interior pictures: probably expecting a teardown?

When hills are like that, I’m used to split-levels. Never seen a single-story house where it’s just… underground… in the back, as far as I can remember!

Comment by KC 06.06.24 @ 8:26 am

Rather being swallowed by that hillside? But the view!? So very happy he’s a great guy and you have no breaks! Still thinking about a bubble wrap quilt…

Comment by DebbieR 06.06.24 @ 8:52 am

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