Thursday June 06th 2024, 9:45 pm
Filed under: Garden,Knit

Back when I planted a tomato seedling in a pot and a sunflower popped up next to it, I wanted them both so I left it that way and thought of it as a science experiment.

I’m so glad I did. I love looking out the window and seeing that sun-of-the-earth.

The sunflower is going to be done and gone long before the cherry tomato, which will take off from there.

Meantime, I just ran the ends in on the blanket. It came out of the blocking not only remarkably soft, as Rios is, but the gray shows how a good worsted-spun merino, where the fibers are combed to all run in the same direction, can have such a beautiful sheen to it.

3 Comments so far
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How fun! And the blanket absolutely looks like a warm hug.

Comment by DebbieR 06.07.24 @ 9:14 am

How nice for the plants to have a friend in the pot! And the blanket looks lovely.

Comment by ccr in MA 06.07.24 @ 9:22 am

Wow that blanket flew off the needles.
If you haven’t sent it off yet, can you post a photo of the flat finished project.
Looks great!

Comment by Lisa R-R 06.07.24 @ 5:38 pm

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