Thursday May 23rd 2024, 9:50 pm
Filed under: Knit

There were some quirks to the Barbara Walker “Enchanted Cottage” pattern that were why I’d never knitted it: two bobbles on a baby item? You know exactly what’s going to happen to those, right? And the roof. Why are there two styles of roof on the roof.

Well, I can just skip those bobbles.

Oh. That’s why she did that. Well, I’ll have to do some make-ones to account for that kluge. Huh. Came out looking like–a bobble! But it’s not, and it won’t say Chew me! above the door and window, followed by, Pull me! as the baby gets bigger, and I can ease that ease right out of there. I was trying too hard not to let the make-ones shrink up the fabric.

Like that Daisy Stitch did. We’re going to need more photos.

Oh. That’s why on the roof. I still won’t knit it that way, I’ll draw two sets of diagonal lines meeting in the center…

Oh. That’s why you can’t.

I put it down for the night.

I picked it up this morning and a classic metal roof is going in on that gingerbread of a house, with all the lines slanting one way together. Helps roll those hailstorms right down it. I started on it after this picture.

Wherein the sunflower in its preblocked state kind of looks like a Narnia lamp, but actually I like that. (I told me it should have had leaves, though.) 


2 Comments so far
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The nerve of her, having reasons for why she designed it that way, right? 😉 It’s looking good!

Comment by ccr in MA 05.24.24 @ 5:07 am

You just don’t know what you don’t know until you try it. So lovely!

Comment by DebbieR 05.24.24 @ 8:28 am

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