Filed under: Garden
I’ve been checking the one apricot seedling that had aphids for any sign of them coming back. The plant’s not very big yet; it doesn’t take long to check it over.
This evening was a complete surprise: two leaves at the top were browned, drooping, and curled up. Those were completely healthy two days ago!
I lifted one a bit to try to see–and a little green worm crawled out.
Which is how I learned about leaf roller worms and the moths they turn into. The gardening sites said to destroy all leaves affected.
Well, it already did a good job of that, but here’s my scientific experiment (we’ll see how long it lasts.) If I disturb the growth tip at the end of the branch–and this was the main branch–then its entire length will cease to grow until next spring. No side shoots. One of the idiosyncrasies of apricots. But. Would tearing those leaves off do that, and is the growth tip already damaged.
How would I know if I don’t wait to find out?
And it’s not like the worm stage could have laid eggs.
I will be watching that thing like a–wait. Not a hawk.
Let’s say robin.
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Oh no! Darn critters! Hoping they haven’t done too much damage
Comment by DebbieR 05.21.24 @ 7:53 amLeave a comment
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