We should include them next time
Wednesday March 06th 2024, 10:56 pm
Filed under: Food,Friends,Life

And to think I considered not going to that dinner.

I had biopsies–“just one more?” the doctor said apologetically this afternoon–to rule out uterine or endometrial cancer. Probably just autoimmune related but worth making sure.

I was bleeding, I was tired, all my body wanted to do was rest, or barf, and what on earth that had to do with anything from that procedure I do not know.

But there was to be a get-together of half a dozen women friends this evening that I’d baked a chocolate torte for. I’d been looking forward to it for weeks and I knew that it would be energizing to go. I had a ride.

Man. We had such a good time. I feel so great. Laughter really is the best medicine.

And everybody took a piece of leftover torte home to their husbands so they wouldn’t feel too left out.

2 Comments so far
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Friends and laughter, the best antidote. Hope all those side-effects are gone and you enjoy a great day.

Comment by DebbieR 03.07.24 @ 9:03 am

Oh, that’s wonderful! The one thing your body needed more than rest.

Comment by ccr in MA 03.07.24 @ 11:55 am

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