I guess he did have a screw loose
Tuesday March 12th 2024, 9:23 pm
Filed under: Family,Garden,Life


1. Enjoy the sunflower sprouts.

2. Be glad the twice-a-month gardener day turned out to be the day after the neighbors’ guy pruned their stuff and saved labor by dumping it all on my baby peach tree on our side of the fence and leaving it. Debate telling the neighbor, who would surely never know otherwise. She’s about 90. I offered my guy a bonus for the extra time spent and he just waved me away with a chuckle: it happens. The peach tree only lost a branch or two, thankfully. (Not that it had very many in the first place.) It will have extra sunlight for a couple of months, so that’s good.

3. Get a visit from Richard’s sister who flew in this afternoon to see the California relatives, take her out to dinner, have a fine time, take pictures (not posting her picture). Wish for better lighting, resolve to finally fix that entryway one that blew in the power failure.

4. Find slightly more sympathy for the neighbor’s gardener. But not a whole lot. (Honey, you got the entryway, the edge of the living room and family room, the kitchen, and the top of the dining room table.)

5. Be glad it fell after he stepped far enough away from it that none of it hit him.

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Whoops! Glad it didn’t conk him, but that’s a pain to clean up.

Comment by ccr in MA 03.13.24 @ 11:16 am

1. Yes! 2. Been there. Backyard neighbor’s tree guy let the heavy branches fall on my trees, but he then climbed the fence to get some of them. 3. Yay! 4. Oh no! 5. Oh good!

Comment by DebbieR 03.13.24 @ 1:53 pm

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