Officially older
Monday February 26th 2024, 9:22 pm
Filed under: Life

Form signed, face normal, days’ worth of intermittent fever over, and back to the Social Security office at long last.

This time, a mom with two kids came in and the younger one was getting antsy. My specialty. A pink panda and a hippo and the mom and I made friends on the spot.

After weeks and weeks of carrying it around I finally got that purple cowl to the point where I just need to finish the repeat it’s on, bind it off and call it done.

They seemed better staffed this time and they had the thirteen people ahead of me out in less than an hour.

The woman who handed me that form to fill out last time was dour and efficient. The guy who took care of me this time was young, cheerful, helpful, and efficient.

I walked out of there so giddy at having the thing done done done! that it surprised me. I hadn’t realized it had been bugging me that much. One letter in the mail from them and the classic Medicare+supplement plan will officially be a go.

As my friend Donna marveled out loud to me yesterday, How did *we* get to be the older ones?

And then, just before getting in my car, I told the middle-aged guy who was struggling with a walker and trying to get his dad out that the door to the building was a long way down on the other side and the parking over there was open now, including handicapped spaces. He might want to drive over there instead.

He thanked me very much and was putting the walker back in the trunk with his dad’s door closed again as I turned my wheel and out onto the street.

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Happy birthday! Yay for getting things done, and helping others along the way.

Comment by ccr in MA 02.27.24 @ 7:17 am

I fully embrace older, but I’m not old. On the forever list of to-dos, it’s nice to be able to strike off those truly done.

Comment by DebbieR 02.27.24 @ 8:01 am

Your ability to see what’s going on with other people, like the guy getting the walker out of the trunk, and know what would be useful information for them, is truly #lifegoals for me. Your posts are always a gentle reminder for me to pay attention and be kinder.

Comment by NGS 02.27.24 @ 9:20 am

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