Nature does it best
Saturday February 24th 2024, 10:24 pm
Filed under: Garden,Knit

Mid-afternoon we found ourselves having the first warm day of the year along with our first peach blossoms. It was 75F.

I celebrated by knitting a few more of my own on the left after snapping this picture (a bit scrunched together on the 40″ needles.) Side edges to be added later.


4 Comments so far
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Lovely! My 3 pluot and aprium trees have started blooming, too. Spring!

Comment by DebbieR 02.25.24 @ 10:24 am

Ah, that’s coming along so nicely! Spring will be inspiring for you, I’m sure.

Comment by ccr in MA 02.25.24 @ 1:45 pm

So glad to see your peach blossom already – well actually I don’t know if this is early, late or on time?
Probably 8 weeks or more until flowering trees in Toronto.
And we haven’t had the usual snowfall – will the trees manage OK?
And the afghan is so lovely.
I enjoyed reading that your eye specialist was interested in cashmere. She definitely deserves it!
Let’s have a good week ahead

Comment by Lisa R-R, Toronto 02.25.24 @ 5:05 pm

Nature does it best, but you do it pretty darned good!

(No blooms up where I live yet, though down the hill the flowering plums are starting to show a little pink.)

Comment by Ellen 02.28.24 @ 4:39 pm

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