Looming issue
Friday December 08th 2023, 10:42 pm
Filed under: Family,Life

The potholder looms of my childhood were made of metal: sturdy and with a definite heft to them. Once you had one you had one.

When my kids were growing up, the concept had been watered down to flimsy, cheap plastic looms that broke and thin synthetic loops that made your potholder gap and then they would scorch or even melt–which defeats the point of having the kids not only create it but be able to be proud of seeing their work being put to good use for years to come. I never was able to find the old metal type; they just weren’t out there.

Harrisville Designs (yes the woolen mill) has revived them. Which makes sense; they sell weaving looms, so, hey, start them young!

Their custom loops are thick braided cotton. They’ve improved the pegs to help keep the loops on while the weaving is happening, and they offer patterns to show what those loops could become.

In case anyone’s looking.

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So cool!
I only had plastic version in 1970s.
Lisa in Toronto

Comment by Lisa R-R 12.09.23 @ 12:42 am

I am of the same vintage as you, mine was blue metal. Four pieces that fit together at the corners if I remember correctly. Maybe only two.
I might even have mine still. Perhaps after Christmas I will have a look because there is a six year in the family who might love that to work on at Super-Mimi’s house.
Thanks for the memory and the nudge.

Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 12.09.23 @ 6:43 am

I’m thinking mine was red metal, long gone; we moved a lot. I remember making lots of pot holders, my grandma cut grandpa’s t-shirt to make more loops.

Comment by DebbieR 12.09.23 @ 11:17 am

I had a plastic one, so I’m curious about one that’s a better quality. What a lovely find. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Comment by NGS 12.11.23 @ 8:55 am

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