Hey Mikey
Wednesday December 06th 2023, 10:26 pm
Filed under: Family,Food

And on a sillier note–

Scene: dinner table.

Him: If it were my blog, I wouldn’t link to a recipe I hadn’t tried.

Me: But in this case maybe that’s part of the point. I’m not gonna try it, *you* try it! Or most likely not.

Both of us: reminiscences of the infamous Oobleck Pie thirty years ago from my then-new Joy of Cheesecake book.  All the other recipes in it were great; avocado/honey cheesecake with a wheat germ crust was… um… a tad green. And sticky.

But I baked it! My first one was a gift to a friend group–and they took one look at that thing and made me eat the first piece. I made it again for my family. Once.

So here’s the recipe that just the description tonight made his face go all funny before he finally asked, Why??

Peanut butter ketchup cookies.

With apologies to its creator, but, it almost reads like a college psych student’s research paper on internet gullibility.

5 Comments so far
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Skip the ketchup – use applesauce instead!

Comment by Anne 12.06.23 @ 10:45 pm

This sounds like a lead in to a discussion about the (weird) sandwiches people will eat.

Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 12.07.23 @ 5:56 am

Okay…as a peanut butter enthusiast I’m not sure I want to tamper with that wonderful flavor. However there may be a time when that surprise would be fun. Thanks!

Comment by DebbieR 12.07.23 @ 9:50 am

For you?


Comment by Afton 12.07.23 @ 11:05 am

I will pass on being your test baker on this! But then, I’m not wild about peanut butter cookies in the first place. Certainly, as someone who makes molasses cookies with bacon fat, I don’t have much moral high ground to claim in recipes with odd ingredients.

Comment by ccr in MA 12.07.23 @ 11:21 am

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