Well, I did think the display on the oven actually looked kind of pretty: kind of a cross between Christmas lights and tech graffiti with every single error code showing at once.
But all we have of it now is its picture. Found the right breaker, tried it, came back in the kitchen, exclaimed, YES!!! and baked a raspberry cake in celebration.
A birthday cake from afar in honor of my mom’s and grandson’s and cousin’s birthsday Wednesday along with five friends that I know of. Happy Birthday, Mom and Parker! And everybody else!
There’s a big storm rolling in. Maybe we should stand flashlights around it instead of candles in it for when the skies blow the lights out again. I kid, I kid… But only halfway.
3 Comments so far
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Happy happy birthday to all! Hoping you are enjoying full electricity.
Comment by DebbieR 12.20.23 @ 10:36 amBaking a cake sounds like an excellent way to celebrate the power being back on!
Comment by ccr in MA 12.20.23 @ 12:31 pmpls label the oven breaker …
Raspberry cake sounds terrific.
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