Ready for them
Saturday November 18th 2023, 10:32 pm
Filed under: Life

So, during the pandemic, I bought some glasses online.

They fit okay, they looked good and I liked them, but they got the prescription wrong and argued that it was my fault for typing it wrong to them when I knew I hadn’t; they told me I was too late for a do-over.

I went back to wearing my old ones.

Got a new prescription. Still liked the looks of that one pair, and now that that company would let you take a picture of the printout, I thought, okay then, they can’t botch that.

I was wrong. I wasn’t sure, though, because it was when my Fuchs corneal disease was flaring.

The new pair came with no packaging materials, banged up. They fell off my face any time I looked down. Despite the company’s advertising, once you add up the details I hadn’t saved a dime anyway; the only thing they had going for them was that I liked round silver rimless of a certain size and I just hadn’t found those anywhere else.

That year was finally up, I finally got a new new prescription, and this time I went into Costco. Did they have rimless? Silver? They did not. Gold. With rims. Eh. But they had someone who carefully fit them to my eyes and my face.

Which means I finally have glasses that are comfortable, that fit, and after those super flimsy ones, are actually sturdy enough to wear around grandkids. (Typed with the memory of being thwacked in the face by a toddler about ten years ago hours before a wedding, going to a local mall in that town where an eyeglass place rescued me because there had been no way I could wear those, and then getting the long skirt for the reception caught in the escalator on my way out and jamming it and trapping me till my mom and I tore the skirt as we pulled hard together to get me out of there. Oh well, the ruffle hem just got a little more so. Besides, weddings are supposed to be memorable. Mom, bless her, hand stitched it together as best as could be done.

Glasses and me: we have a history. But I digress.

The new Costco pair came in.

For the first time in two years–almost three? (Picture me jumping up and down like a little kid in excitement) I can see like I’m supposed to! Even at night! At *night!* I can read street signs from much farther away! It wasn’t my Fuchs disease getting worse, it was just the stupid cheapster glasses!

I had not realized how bad it had been until it got better. Which makes it all the so-much-better-now.

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As I start humming:

I can see clearly now (those old frames are gone)
I can see all obstacles in my way.
I can see clearly now, I’m on my way
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day!” *

(With apologies to original artists)

*Or in y our case, not …


Comment by Anne 11.18.23 @ 11:52 pm

The therapists at the schools always said (in order)
Hearing aides
Mobility devices

You can’t cheap out

Comment by Afton 11.19.23 @ 8:02 am

My mother still tells about how I announced “trees got leaves!!” when I received my first pair of glasses. And after struggles for years with getting lenses that worked, given all the issues, I fully understand the joy of BEING ABLE TO SEE!!!

And despite all the friends who sing the praises of online ordering, and being tempted by cute frames, I think I will stick with the in-person options for just the reasons you said.

Comment by Margo Lynn 11.19.23 @ 8:10 am

So very delighted for you! My kindergarten teacher told my parents I couldn’t read the chalkboard even from the front row, I got glasses. I walked out of the doctor’s office and, like Margo Lynn, excitedly told my dad I could see each leaf in the tree! Finally understood why I drew trees as just cloud-like blobs on trunks. I never knew anyone could see them from the ground; you had to climb up to see them. Cataract surgery 3 years ago brought that same delight, what a world of difference to realize my roses weren’t reverting to root stock or getting old, they really were still bright colors!

Comment by DebbieR 11.19.23 @ 11:24 am

Hooray! Clear sight for the win.

Comment by ccr in MA 11.20.23 @ 1:32 pm

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