At quarter to five
Monday September 11th 2023, 10:16 pm
Filed under: Friends,Life

One of my friends, a rabbi, posts every Monday the simple question: How’s your heart?

She asks it every week and it always takes me by surprise even though I know it shouldn’t and it makes me stop and think. All the things. Some so good, some not so much; it took a few minutes to sift through.

Then I answered.

“I have been watching a small desert lizard on my patio stretching his face way upwards towards the sun. The wind is blowing the leaves shading there at this time of day, and he takes note of it and from time to time scoots over to where the sun is present again. And again. And–there he goes–again, staying with the light even when it moves.”

Leaving me wanting to ask my friends, too: How are your hearts today?

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What a good question to ask ourselves.
Yesterday my heart was full of joy and fun. My sister is visiting from Texas and our niece is here from Saskatoon. We spent most of the day with our cousin’s wife. There was a little shopping, some fabulous pizza for lunch, sooo much laughter, and some “remembering “ of people no longer with us.
So much joy!

Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 09.12.23 @ 5:56 am

I’m worried. A friend on a mutual list hasn’t gotten back with a mailing address and I worry. The young woman who does my stretching to help my migraines told me about how hard it is to live with her boyfriend that just moved in this last week and part of that is because her last boyfriend died of COVID on her couch. While she was struggling to survive herself. I worry about those I don’t know who are out there and need someone to think about them.

Comment by Afton 09.12.23 @ 6:21 am

I love that you could watch the lizard just being in his moment, enjoying the sun, almost like he was doing it for you. My heart is happy. My family is doing well, work isn’t too crazy. I’m working on an I Spy quilt for a friend. Used scraps of other quilts, so it’s a lot of memories for me, and will be fun for her grandkids.

Comment by DebbieR 09.12.23 @ 8:02 am

I like the image of the lizard scooting to follow the sun, like a cat in a sunbeam.

I am hanging in there. Giving myself a lot of pep talks that things are going well if not perfect, and good enough is good right now. Problems are short-term and I will get through.

Comment by ccr in MA 09.12.23 @ 9:56 am

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