Creme Brûlée is not a tall sunflower variety, maybe two feet if that, but it’s sure a pretty one. I expect it’ll be right up there with tomatoes on my must-plant list forevermore.
Meantime, our falcon fledged yesterday and had to endure the indignity today of being rescued next to a pool (update: where she bumped into some glass), being scooped into a produce box, taken up in an elevator, and released on the roof of her native building to start over. Looks like they sprayed her with water to calm her and keep her from immediately taking off in a frenzy of fear at the releasing.
Instead, she looked up at the guy like what the heck are you and what am I expected to do about it?
Someone had fun writing the captions to the video and that’s some pretty impressive camera work there.
But I also want to note, she flew up, well up, on her second day of flying. That’s a really good sign. Even if she got tired and swooped down past the backs of some highly oblivious swimmers.
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Watching her move down the angled roof made me think of a little kid in rain boots for the first time: now how does this work?
Comment by ccr in MA 07.03.23 @ 5:39 amLeave a comment
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