Filed under: Knit
Got up this morning, picked a gallon of cherries till the sun really was too high for me to be out there, and was glad the rest weren’t quite that dark a red yet. This is about four pounds.
I still need to go process all these and after checking on the tree near sunset, um, tomorrow that mixing bowl needs to be empty and ready and a second one, too.
About eighteen pounds have already been picked. We got about ten pounds last year.
I’m curious to see whether we’ll get to triple the record. And this is a little tree, more a bush.
Superbloom year indeed.
(Update: 3.5 lbs actual fruit after pitting.)
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Yum! Birds pecked nearly every single not-quite ripe pluot on my tree despite bird netting. Then I guess the squirrels and probably raccoons held a party and stripped the tree. Left me the pits at the base. I finally remembered the grape kool-aid, so hoping I’ll get the apriums. They’re almost ripe, and no damage so far.
Comment by DebbieR 07.11.23 @ 6:48 amLeave a comment
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