A flagpole tilting left would do it… Nah…
Wednesday July 26th 2023, 9:50 pm
Filed under: Family,Knit,Knitting a Gift

Carolyn, don’t look. (I’m only posting this because I don’t think she ever does.)

The lower windows needed to be wider than the door–but only by a stitch’s worth to look right unless I were to do it in a gauge of sock weight or lighter and let me tell you that ain’t happening in my lifetime. Besides, the point of an afghan is to keep you warm.

Except that what that did was leave me a stitch short for the three windows directly above of identical size exactly over the lower three, and I’d love to know if the builder centered the actual house exactly so. But he could work in infinitely incremental amounts and I can’t.

So the second level middle window is off by a stitch but knitting is not a stable solid surface and you’d never notice and who cares.


Suddenly now I kinda do.

Do you see it?

How many times did I count the black stitches marching towards the center there from both sides and not catch this till it was right there being obvious: that nearly finished attic window is not going to be centered. Four black stitches left on this side, five on that on the needles, and it was always going to be like that, I just didn’t see it coming.

It is what it is.

I need to tighten up the back of the two-color K1P1 on the latticework below the right patio so it looks neater.

While my brain yells, Squirrel! Literally. Because there is a tree and I have some cobweb weight, bison/silk so it won’t shrink, in the exact shade of an Eastern Gray. Curling stockinette for the tail flipping you off for messing with its acorns, fine stitches to sew it on to make the toenails. Or something. (Would size 0 lace needles do it for the body. Let me think about it. We are talking dollhouse size so this is in no way a promise, just conjecture. But then this entire thing is by the seat of my pants.)

I’m actually (the mind boggles after two months of work) going to finish the house part tomorrow.

It will honor those cultures that feel that only the Divine can create perfection.

You know, I could stick a tree branch across the top of that window and attic…


3 Comments so far
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Wow! Yes, I see it but it doesn’t detract from the wow. At all. “…infinitely incremental amounts” reminds me of Tracy Kidder writing about building to within a 1/32″ in his book House. You are a craftswoman to exacting detail. It is beautiful.

Comment by DebbieR 07.27.23 @ 6:06 am

It looks amazing! Well done tweaking it to this point. They’re going to love it.

Comment by ccr in MA 07.27.23 @ 7:19 am

I don’t even see it, I think it looks ace and congratulations on finishing it up today (or whenever you wrote the blog post I just read where you finished it ?)

Comment by CA 07.28.23 @ 3:15 am

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