Filed under: Knitting a Gift
To recap: I started out with two sets of 900g of the 64/36 cashmere/cotton, one of which came divided into two cones–and I was working the yarn doubled from those two; the slightly larger of them, I now know, was 160 grams bigger.
I made it to the end of the eleventh motif with about a yard to go on the smaller and got out the waiting full cone. Four motifs to go, was the plan.
Head tilt.
It didn’t match. It clearly, obviously, didn’t match.
But Colourmart always matches! I’ve bought yarn from them 18 months apart that was still the same dyelot, but this was spun slightly looser, was whiter, and had less of a feel of machine oils to it. Bought two months apart with the same picture, but it was clearly from a different mill run.
If I had worked from the two separate sets in the first place, and I nearly did, there would have been no problem. I’m just glad I was able to get that eleventh motif finished!
So I have two options: break off the remaining strand, wind off 80 grams from it to have two, and make as much of an edging as I can and hope that it’s big enough and that the thing doesn’t come out too lopsided.
Or: remember when I did that math to get it to twin bed length? I ordered more to be sure I could, figuring I could always use that nice a yarn at that cheap a price, and it is on the way.
So either the new yarn will match what I’ve knitted–or the other mill run. Or even if not, I’ll have two large cones to work from for the next big plain white project. I could even do extensive cabling, which generally uses up about a third more yarn.
I won’t have enough information and can’t reasonably do anything till the new one gets here sometime hopefully next week.
Ah, well, momentum, it was good while I had you.
I was pushing all the more to finish the afghan because as I stepped out of the shower yesterday a mental picture of what my next big project should be and will look like kind of stopped me and took over my brain for a minute and I spent part of yesterday going through stash to find the colors I would need. I was just going to have to push myself to finish the white. And so today I had #11 done by 1:00 pm.
So I wound and scoured new-project yarn and knitted a large swatch (we are NOT doing 72″ wide this time!) I actually swatched this time. Are we proud of me or what.
3 Comments so far
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Quite proud indeed! And so hoping the new yarn is a match for the blanket. It’s beautiful.
Comment by DebbieR 05.28.23 @ 7:07 amWell, it’s a shame they don’t match, but sometimes a setback is also a step in a different direction!
Comment by ccr in MA 05.28.23 @ 8:08 amI think the blanket is saying that 11 is too much. I’d frog back to 10, and finish it, with a little left over, so the whole thing matches.
Comment by Mary 05.28.23 @ 8:52 amLeave a comment
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