Thursday March 02nd 2023, 8:06 pm
Filed under: Wildlife
Filed under: Wildlife
The peregrines: today a new adult, unbanded, looks to be a female, showed up. Walked the ledge. Went into the nest box–gravel, not too small, not too big, good for supporting nestlings and holding in her body heat for them in those short moments where she might have to fly off to defend them, perfect, perfect. Walked across the top of the nest box and took in that view.
Nice place. Shame the former owners left in such a hurry. It’ll do nicely, yes, quite. Didn’t even have to fight for it.
She’s keeping watch on it from the nearby louver for the night.
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Now we wait to see if there’s Mr.
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 03.03.23 @ 7:55 amLeave a comment
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