I wasn’t walking anywhere today if I didn’t have to. That foot needs to be looked at.
So. I have the assignment at church again of keeping the mother’s nursing lounge stocked with chocolate. One new mom, on finding out I was the one doing that, requested that the chocolate almonds continue, so now there are always some of those and if nuts are the thing then toffee pistachios go in there, too.
We arrived this morning with me thinking how much I wished Jen would just somehow appear and take the bag from me and take care of it. She’s the one who asked me post pandemic to start doing that again–there would be no having to explain to her what this was about. (We do not want little kids overhearing and figuring out how to raid the stuff.)
The door to the chapel opened, and out stepped–Jen herself. Sometimes miracles come in the most improbable packages. All taken care of.
After church, I spotted a young mom nearby and asked her if she could go retrieve the bag and chocolates for me so I wouldn’t have to walk across that long room and back.
And then I waited. And waited. I figured she ran into a friend in there and they were having a conversation and that was fine by me, no hurry.
And maybe she was.
But she looked a little abashed at swallowing that last little bit as she walked back towards me. My grin got the better of me and then I was laughing. Have some more! It’s what it’s for, to be enjoyed! Plus, a quick snarf of good chocolate in a quiet room when your little kids have no idea, can’t pester you for any and won’t ruin their lunches–that sounds pretty perfect to me. I was very glad she got to enjoy some. Call it a commission.
She handed me the cotton bag and still had an ‘I can’t believe I did that’ look on her face so I tried again to make sure she knew that it was all totally fine by me. Any time. And thank you so much for the help with my foot!
That bag is clearly going to be our future private in-joke forevermore.
It was a surprise gift from a vyshyvanka seller in Ukraine.
3 Comments so far
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Guilty pleasures are sometimes the very best ones.
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 02.20.23 @ 7:50 amSecret treats are always sweeter. Hope your foot is feeling better.
Comment by DebbieR 02.20.23 @ 9:57 amWhat a sweet story! It’s so nice when people are there in the moment you need them. It’s a great reminder that we should always be looking for ways to serve and help each other. What other ways have you found to serve your church or community during this pandemic?
Comment by Frances Smith 02.23.23 @ 9:44 pmLeave a comment
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