An inch so far today, with two more by tomorrow night. And the wind!
Friends a few cities over have lost power. We haven’t so far, but it did have me deciding dinner was going to be some of the more expensive food in the freezer: it should be enjoyed, not worried over.
And so the stuffed chicken breasts are in the oven and the thought occurred to me that if the lights go out now, what would we do.
That little creme brûlée torch that was his favorite Christmas gift a few years ago. Can you cook chicken parts with it? Here, let’s just pry open that center there with a fork and melt that cheese… That would work. Right?
(Update 9:00 pm: It sounds like a large branch of a tree is being dragged across the roof by the wind, resting a second, gusting and dragging almost right away again. It is loud out there. And I am not used to hearing much of anything as being loud.)
3 Comments so far
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Oh, of course: you can hear it better now! Interesting. I wonder if it is in fact a much louder storm than usual, or is it that you can hear it so much more accurately than before?
Comment by ccr in MA 01.05.23 @ 6:08 amJust stay safe!
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 01.05.23 @ 6:43 amThursday morning here. Hope you are safe!
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 01.05.23 @ 8:22 amLeave a comment
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