This is a little bit out on a limb–and yet.
I’ve mentioned how I was instantly smitten with a beaded sunflower necklace designed by Oleksandra in Ukraine. I waited several weeks before ordering it to see if its effect on me would wear off; the lower sunflower in particular is really big and I don’t naturally tend towards the ostentatious.
And yet. Those flower halves lifted as wings to the sky, the inner petals below curled as if caught up in the velocity above: it spoke to strength, resilience, survival. It reminded my eyes of peregrine flight, if you remember my volunteer remote-cam work towards their recovery. Yes, I could wear that. Thinking of strangers’ eyes lighting up on seeing me wearing a vyshyvanka: I would. For them.
It somehow felt a compelling part of the historical moment that I wanted to bear witness to. My father would have loved the art of it as well and I missed him, and that was somehow wrapped up in it, too. My little sister and I were with him on the plaza in Santa Fe when he fell in love with a shadowbox turquoise necklace and spent a long time talking to the artist about how her creation had come to be and about her work; he’d bought it for Mom, just like his dad had once picked out a large turquoise and a setting type and had watched another Navajo artist create a ring to surprise Dad’s mother.
That ring was big. It was almost ostentatious. And I treasure it. I’m the granddaughter who got to inherit it.
And so, wondering which granddaughter’s this would someday be, I bought that gerdan in July, back when there was only one, and I’ve written here of the long international back-and-forth wanderings that thing has been taken along on ever since.
My longtime mailman rang the doorbell Friday and I said quite gladly, You’re back!
He enjoyed that.
He’d been away when the post office had been unable to figure out where to send that gerdan. I knew he wouldn’t have had a problem with it.
Meantime, Oleksandra had been avidly following that tracking every day, even though for me it hasn’t changed since September 17. She sent me a note a couple of days ago to let me know what the American postal service hadn’t been able to say: it had arrived back in Kiev! She was going to go retrieve it, repackage, and re-send it. She had made another two of those necklaces anyway even though I had told her that if it never showed up to please consider it a donation and not to worry about it.
But she was determined, and luck turned her way, and so, one way or another, there are strung-glass sunflowers coming my way shortly. Maybe it will spend the usual month or two waiting in Kiev to leave the country again; maybe it won’t.
And here’s where part of me can’t say/part of me can’t not say it so I’m just going to put it out there:
I was woken up very early this morning, October 3, by a dream that stayed vivid and still is, which is not a usual thing for me: that, however long it might take this time, I was once again at my front door opening it to our longtime guy and he was handing me a package. It was, it was my long-hoped-for necklace from Oleksandra, my personal connection to a family with a loved one defending their country there.
And as he handed me that package from Ukraine it totally capped off the day for both of us as we found out that we had both heard the news:
The war had ended that day.
Ukraine had won.
I know that all the fiercely wanting it to be so does not make it so. I know a dream does not require reality to bend to it. And yet the wild irrational hope holds on hard and it utterly refuses to let go, and all I can do is pray hard in grief and love and longing.
All I can say is, we shall see.
And that I wish that there could be overnight delivery on that thing.
4 Comments so far
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Bless you. I will pray for that overnight delivery too. Dreams are strange things – whispers of truth and hope and fear and joy. I hope yours come true.
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 10.04.22 @ 6:18 amDreams DO come true!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 10.04.22 @ 6:52 amOh my! Yes! Let’s hold onto that dream and make it real.
Comment by DebbieR 10.04.22 @ 2:59 pmLeave a comment
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