Berkeley Breathed, the guy who wrote Bloom County and does again intermittently on Facebook, posted a video recently of him walking out his front door as noted by his security video and later watched by his horrified wife.
Either that young western diamondback rattlesnake pulled back really fast–or (as it appears) he kicked it in the head and walked on, completely oblivious as it recoiled fast. From there, the camera shows the snake gathering itself up and moving forward again after a moment, jaws very wide this time and tongue flicking, going across the front of his doorway and beyond.
While you see some of the guy’s shadow as he’s presumably getting in his car having no idea how close he just came.
So of course that was the first thing that came to mind when the kids up north sent a picture of their five and three year olds staring at the 18″ or so long snake slithering across the pathway right in front of them.
It was pretty.
Their parents let them respectfully hold still and observe this benign new bit of nature–but told them that if they were at their grandparents’ houses (Arizona/CA) and saw one, it might not be the same kind and they were to move away from it right away.
Love nature first of all, a healthy respect for what it could do after that. I was so proud of them all.
(And here I’d thought the skunk on our doormat had really been something.)
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You just put into words my greatest fear in the whole world. I could hardly finish reading this, so great is my fear. Yes, I appreciate nature, “bloody in tooth and claw” is the quote if I remember correctly. But – not this part of nature. Nope, no siree, nope, nuh huh, no way.
Please excuse me while I have a little lie down.
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