Wednesday September 21st 2022, 8:18 pm
Filed under: Life
Filed under: Life
The view out the back windows this morning.
The view out the front door in the time it took to walk those few steps to snap its picture, too.
Within five minutes it was raining in the back yard, and sunnier if anything in the front.
California skies can still, after all these years, feel so weird.
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Not just California. My girlfriend calls their 1 acre property “the estate”.
Because you know it has to be a biiiig property to get rain in the front of the house and sunshine in the back. We laugh about it every time it happens.
Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 09.22.22 @ 5:07 amMy mother and I were just noticing last night how different the sky was when we turned 90 degrees, and then again: sunny, very cloudy, kinda cloudy. So it happens in Florida too!
Comment by ccr in MA 09.22.22 @ 6:25 amLeave a comment
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