Filed under: Life
If you ever wanted a brain exercise for word retrieval, and the official New York Times Wordle only lets you play once a day–which it does–fear not. The colors are brighter on HelloWordl anyway, and you can play it as many times as you want. Even use it to warm up the brain before going on to the official version where your wins are recorded and tabulated. No pressure.
I have never been addicted to computer games but this one actually has a bit of self-justification to it: when you’ve got a TBI, anything that helps.
But what I want to know is, wait. How much is this doggy in the Window?
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If you want something wordle-adjacent (or… kind of diagonal from wordle, or upside down from wordle, as the case may be), these are my favorites, and each takes a substantially different way of thinking about it even though they are literally *all* five-letter-word-games:
With xordle particularly, it’ll take a few of them to get the hang of it (xordle adds a new puzzle daily, but there are quite a lot of them in the backlog; some of the others have multiple-game-per-day options and some don’t). Squardle, which is laid out like a crossword puzzle, took until the second game for us to switch from AUGH to “This is so fun!”
(but if you’ve done two of a puzzle and it’s still not fun/synapse-connecting, it’s probably just not your jam and call it a day on that one.)
Comment by KC 09.05.22 @ 10:29 amIt is great way to improve your mind skills.
Comment by James Hart 01.10.23 @ 12:44 amLeave a comment
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