Filed under: Friends
The neck was way too big and the tie too flimsy on this one to be trusted to hold it together for long; I considered undoing the top edge, pleating it, cutting the bottom off to cover the new top edge–
–Nah. I ran a narrow elastic through the casing and tacked it down with my sewing machine as a quick fix. That was easy.
Oh wait no it wasn’t, as I saw that the machine had jammed a whole wad of thread on the underside that pulled right off, and whoops, one edge of elastic was going swoop! into the inside there.
I managed to stab at it with a sewing needle till I pulled it back.
I do not use my sewing machine enough to justify taking it in for a tune-up; those were $80 twenty years ago. $100 to do this?
Bribery was definitely the way to go.
I messaged this picture to a friend who’s good at sewing: would she be willing to do that small bit of tacking down for me on her machine, in exchange for a pound box of peaches from Andy’s come Friday?
It is safe to say we have a deal.
3 Comments so far
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Lovely blouse. What model machine? My guys are sewing machine techs and might be interested in a barter to service your machine.
Comment by DebbieR 07.21.22 @ 8:43 amI think you should take DebbieR up on the tune up trade for your machine. I don’t get mine done often enough but it works so well that I sew more once it is serviced!
Comment by Joanne 07.31.22 @ 8:51 pmLeave a comment
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