A mind of its own
Tuesday July 12th 2022, 9:30 pm
Filed under: History,Knit,Life

So I sent off that note. She sent me a sweet note back.

I decided to add a detail I hadn’t mentioned: that the consul’s American counterpart had taken my picture. That my hair was not having a good day at all but I still felt like I looked good because of how good her blouse looked on me.

She told me she’d laughed, and thanked me.

Which means I just spent the whole day (even through the Jan 6 committee hearing) quite delighted that I’d made someone in Ukraine have a good chuckle at the world.

Meantime, I was working on this. 

3 Comments so far
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Oh, that’s coming beautifully!

Comment by ccr in MA 07.13.22 @ 6:37 am

Laughter is the best medicine. And your blanket is beautiful.

Comment by DebbieR 07.13.22 @ 7:17 am

Laughter and love is the best (capital r) Resistance.

May I share your story (no names) with a Ukrainian contact. It may brighten their day a bit too.

Comment by Chris+S+in+Canada 07.13.22 @ 8:21 am

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