Every now and then, the comments are as good as the story; not every one, but certainly most. The story being about parents who meet their new babies and ditch the name they were going to give it and why they do.
We did that on one of ours. We spent most of the pregnancy trying to pick one of two names and neither one of us was able to decide which. I would just have gone with both, but my mother-in-law, I am told, hated her middle name, hated dealing with having a middle name and then four as an adult and forms only letting you put down two and a middle initial and what do you need that extraneous one for anyway, and my sweet husband grew up thinking he wasn’t going to do that to his daughters, no sir.
Whereas I grew up without a middle name and was the only kid in the grade as far as I knew who didn’t, and I wasn’t going to do that to my girls, no way.
Frances (hi Mom!) or Carole (which would have deprived my niece born later of what turned out to have belonged to her all along.) For nine months.
I’d been in labor for hours when we looked at each other and had a mutual moment of truth: not those names. Something else. But what?!
We started throwing ideas at each other, no, no, do you remember–not that one, you’re right–till I said how about? and he went, That’s it! We decided to wait for sure till after we’d seen her but hey, not long now.
But it already felt like we’d finally found the right one.
Our family doctor stopped by the hospital after dinner. I had just been wheeled to my room. The baby had spent some time in what that hospital had as far as an NICU–nobody had told us till she arrived that the closest one was a two-hour ambulance ride away–and I was a little hazy on where she was at that point other than the nursery. I wanted to hold my baby. I hadn’t gotten to do that yet, they’d been in too much of a hurry when she’d arrived.
He stopped by my room to reassure me, telling me he had examined Michelle and she was looking great.
Me, having had a very very long, strenuous day, bone tired: “Who?”
He looked startled.
Oh right, right, that’s her name now, right. Sorry.
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The only time I thought a name was firmly picked out, our 2nd son arrived and it did not fit. He went home without a name (it took a week) and I vowed that I would not do that again. And your niece Carole is the only one of our 4 daughters to have a middle name–Evelyn–for the kinship I sensed she had, as I rocked her in the hospital, for the Stoddard grandmother I never had the opportunity to meet.
Comment by Marian 04.08.22 @ 10:43 pmHA! What a great story! I love hearing about how people chose their babies’ names. (I settled on my daughter’s name fairly early in my pregnancy; my husband was on board with it as one of the choices, but I don’t think he knew it was Her Name until she was born.) I am very glad not to have name regret. That would be so hard to deal with!
Comment by Suzanne 04.09.22 @ 5:06 amFunny! Naming is a minefield, it seems to me, but then I’ve never had to name anyone except cats, and they don’t really care what you think their names are.
Comment by ccr in MA 04.10.22 @ 9:02 amLeave a comment
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