Filed under: Life
Went in to the ENT today, got my ears roto-rootered–it’s like they’re constantly trying to push those foreign objects out that I put in every morning and they don’t need to be any deafer than they have to be–and then the doctor asked if I had anything else I wanted to ask him about.
He sat up straight to hear it.
I told him how I’d had Meniere’s as a teen with episodes of the room spinning around fast, and how this was nothing like that. But: since about late January, if I tilted my head backward, I’d get a sudden attack of dizziness. Relatively mild compared, but still, and I got it when putting eye drops in my left eye but not so much my right. If I did back exercises, knees up, roll slowly to the side, right side, no problem, left side, bam! But only the first time. Lie down at night, wait to the count of, oh, about five, and bam! Dizzy, and definitely not from standing up too fast, not a blood pressure problem.
Yes, he explained: it’s particles in your inner ear. You lie down, and they slowly settle down. I have it, my wife has it, my parents have it. You’re being a snow globe.
Is it permanent?
Often not.
Okay, then! In the grand scheme of things that sounds like about the most benign malady one could possibly hope for. Cool. I reminded him that I’d been in a year previous for testing for an acoustic neuroma on the left so I’d just wanted to make sure nothing had snuck in past us.
Oh no, no, nothing like that, no worries.
We chuckled at the whole Santa-in-a-glass-bubble image and we were done.
But I thought I’d pass the word along in case anyone else is going through that.
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Interesting! Kind of like the floaters in my eyes: no harm, just have to live with them. I’m glad your situation is benign!
Comment by ccr in MA 03.10.22 @ 7:14 amLeave a comment
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